<--Those are real (as in, not Photoshopped). Meaning, this poor girl really has tits that size.
I went to see some friends of the family some time back and there was this 80-something year old sweet lady there whom I haven't seen in a couple of year. Just a couple of years, mind you, and I'm 25, so I probably last saw her when I was about 23 and fully developed. So we're having nice barbecue and in the middle of it she leans over to her daughter and whispers to her. I mean, I'm sure it was meant to be a whisper, but she's hard of hearing so it came out loud enough for everyone to hear it. She whispers this: "Did Kat get implants? Can you ask her mom?" So of course everyone there turns to me and starts analyzing whether I got implants or not. For the record, I did not.
I knew that wasn't you. I have your teal bathing suit. hehe.
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