... my hangover recipe definitely works. 9 drinks and 5 heavily buttered waffles, and I spend the next morning playing dodgeball. Hurray for consequence-free partying. Now if there was only a cure for embarrassing actions...
I think I may have found a perfect hangover remedy. It works for me every time. Perhaps it's a popular hangover recipe already, but I've only discovered it recently. I want to share it, because as a frequent hangover sufferer I know there aren't any really good remedies on the web. In many a time of despair I was looking for one and they all feel into 2 categories: 1. Impractical: ex. "Space your drinks out and drink a glass of water after each drink". If I was planning to fight a hangover ahead of time, I would just plain drink less, genius. 2. Ineffective: ex. "Take an Advil in the morning" Oh yeah? And do you know what Advil tastes like when you're puking it out?
My recipe is plain and simple:
If you drank too damn much and you realized it before you went to sleep, quickly eat something greasy. Pizza, fries, even toast and butter will do.
If you drank too much and didn't realize it till the morning, then eat something greasy in the morning. It's best to do that in those first early precious moments before a full-blown hangover with puking and other such madness.
If the puking's already started, you should still eat something greasy, no matter how gross that might seem at the time.
Ah... Sweet smell and savory taste of peer pressure... How I miss thee...
Hey, if you're getting pressured into thing, that means that there are people that give a fuck about you, so don't complain. Comply. How else are they gonna know that you're cool? That you're hip? That you're 'with it'?
So do the right thing and say 'Yes'
Damn, damn the consequences!!! That's why pencils have erasers, right?